"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
[Matthew 28:19-20]
Southern Hills supports these missions:
Campaigns in which our members participate
Ryan Campbell – Cebu Philippines
Mua Deaf Church of Christ – Mtakataka Malawi
Keith Gafner Family – Eldoret Kenya
Gospel Chariot Missions – 19 Southern and Western African nations
Archie Chankin – Pioneer Bible Translators
Mua School for the Deaf – Mtakataka Malawi
Ryan Campbell
Cebu, Philippines
Ryan Campbell is our missionary stationed at Leyte Christian College in Moalboal, Cebu in the Philippines. He is teaching several classes, studying the dialect spoken on the island, teaching Biblical origins, worshipping with and periodically preaching for the LCC church family. He is laboring to enable the Filipino brethren to plant churches on the Southern end of the island and beyond, as he works to win the hearts and minds of precious Filipinos.
Status Updates
Oct 2, 2023
I have now been here in the Philippines for just over a month, and feel the time is right for me to compose my first update from SE Asia:
As part of my initial ministry experience here on the island of Cebu, they asked me to preach my first Sunday while it was still late Saturday evening, giving me just a few hours to prepare. So I woke up early on Sunday morning and wrote out a short one-point sermon: "Only Jesus saves." As for the text of the sermon, I used Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Because the church is largely composed of students, and because most Filipinos understand English, they could understand my English sermon well.
I teach the gospel of John and Revelation in the graduate school here at Leyte Christian College while teaching Corinthians to the undergrads. It is such a joy for me to be back in the classroom teaching again. I feel like I have the best job in the world, as I get to train young Christian workers for the ministry, all while planting churches where there are none.
Concerning church planting, the team here in Cebu wants to plant a church in the town of Badian, a town without a church of Christ. Badian Borders Moalboal, where I live. Currently, we are engaging some residents of that town in Bible studies, in hopes of planting a church after we have a few Christians who reside there. Let's pray that we can have success in reaching the residents of that town.
Because LCC is so close to the beach, we have already gone to the ocean for a beach devo. We brought several students and I was the devo speaker. It was during the beginning of the semester when our schedules were more relaxed.
None of what I am doing would be possible here without a fine, godly mentor. I met Johnny several years before the pandemic in the Philippines. He approached me about joining the team here in Cebu while we were both stateside because of the pandemic. Joining his team is looking to be one of the best decisions I have ever made because I feel as though God is using me powerfully here. Every day I am either teaching classes at the school or mentoring the students, with their many questions. It is a good life. Peace,
Ryan Campbell

Keith Gafner Family
Eldoret, Kenya
14 July 2021
Greetings in the name of Jesus,
Here is a link for a video that we produced. I just wanted to note that the Sunday School/Jr. Youth program the last two Saturdays that they meet we had 180 and 200 youth show up on those days. PTL!
Thanks for your prayers for us and pray for this ministry!
Keith and Grace
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There is no greater book than the Bible. In the Bible you learn where you come from, why you are here and where you are heading after this life. There are many conflicting messages in the “religious” world. By reading the Bible directly, you learn how simple God’s plan really can be for your life.

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