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Our Ministries

We believe in nurturing the spiritual growth of all our members, from early childhood through adulthood. We have Bible classes for all ages, but we offer a special opportunity for ages 3 through 3rd grade with our Children’s Church.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

[Proverbs 22:6]


Children's Church

Sunday Morning
10:30-11 AM
3 years – 3rd grade

We believe it’s important for kids of all ages to learn how to worship, and it’s important for them to grow in the Lord. At our Children's Church, kids from 3 years old through 3rd grade learn at their own level and come to a deep understanding of God’s love for them.

Deaf Ministry

Southern Hills was blessed to have our deaf brothers and sisters from the Austin Deaf Church (formerly known as the Church of Christ for the Deaf) join us in June of 2008. It is our goal to be one congregation with two unique cultures (deaf and hearing), yet we understand the linguistic and cultural needs of both cultures.


Southern Hills has interpreters for all worship services. Sometimes there will be a voice interpreter for the deaf that serve and sometimes there will be sign language interpreters for the hearing that serve.


Youth Ministry

At Southern Hills we recognize the importance of bringing up our children so that they have the opportunities to encounter Jesus and decide to follow Him. The teen years are especially difficult for both teens and their parents. We want to actively partner with parents to provide the environment and activities that will nurture the hearts and minds of their children. Our ultimate purpose is that each teenager will make the decision to follow Jesus and keep that decision for the rest of their life.

Our goals are:

  • Bring kids to Jesus

  • Foster an attitude of service

  • Provide a healthy social environment

  • Provide a community of support

  • Display a passion for Jesus

  • Explore the tough issues on all sides

  • Make disciples


We realize that teens need their own activities and space, but we also realize the benefit of multi-generational fellowship. We have our own activities but we also often gather together  with people from all phases of life: the old sharing their wisdom with the young and the young sharing their energy and inquisitiveness with the old.


Regular activities include:

  • 180 Youth (6th Grade and up) Tuesday nights at various locations. A time for devotionals, fun, & fellowship.

  • Leadership Training for Christ to train our youth to be leaders in all aspect of God’s kingdom.

    • Monthly devotionals in members home

    • 5th Sunday Youth led services

As we continue to grow in numbers and in spirit, we are constantly looking for new ideas, new activities, new service, and new workers. Come be a part of our growing ministry.

Our Missions

Southern Hills supports these missions:


Bible Translators.jpg
Childrens Church
Deaf Ministry
Youth Ministry
Our Missions
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