Pulpit Minister Position
Please Read the Job Description & Submit your Application below

Pulpit Minister Job Description
The Southern Hills Church of Christ in Buda, Texas, is seeking a full-time pulpit minister. Buda and the surrounding area, bordering Austin, Texas, is home to some of the fastest growing communities in America. Southern Hills averages approximately 150 in attendance on Sunday mornings and has varied ministries. The surrounding community and congregation is served by 4 elders and 9 deacons. Find additional information on our website.
In addition to pulpit ministry, the ideal candidate will teach classes, conduct personal and home studies, and potentially counseling. An undergraduate degree in Biblical and ministry studies with five years of ministry experience, or comparable, is desired.
Applicants should submit a resume, references, salary and benefit requirements, and a link to a recent sermon video.
Youth Minister Position
Please Read the Job Description & Submit your Application below

Youth Minister Job Description
Responsibilities to the Church:
Actively support the overall direction and vision of the church, with a primary emphasis on how it effects the Youth Ministry through its teachings, events, and activities.
Preach four times per year.
Be active in the worship service through the service rotations (to lead opening prayer, communion thoughts, scripture reading, etc).
Help maintain the church website and digital sign.
Serve with any other team/committee as time allows, as long as it does not interfere with carrying out the primary responsibilities to the Youth & Family Ministry.
Responsibilities to the Office/Staff:
Serve and work alongside the other ministers and staff of the church.
Participate in shared staff responsibilities (staff meetings, hospital visits, visitor follow-up, etc).
Attend staff retreats.
Participate in Elder/ Deacon meetings and provide a report of the Youth Ministry quarterly.
Maintain consistent office hours.
Responsibilities to the Youth Ministry:
Coordinate and lead the Youth Ministry of the Southern Hills Church of Christ.
Develop a relationship with the teenagers and their parents in the Youth Ministry.
Recruit, organize, and train volunteers.
Plan, coordinate, and lead all youth activities by:
Creating a calendar of events each year
Developing and maintaining a workable budget.
Advertising and promoting events
Check with other ministries of the church to avoid conflicting events / resources
Communicate clearly, through different modes, with all teens, parents, volunteers, ministers, deacons, and elders to promote youth activities, Bibles studies, and relevant information.
Develop and maintain an annual budget for the youth ministry, to be approved by the Elders.
With regards to youth Bible Classes:
Develop and oversee curriculum for Middle School and High School Classes
Alternate teaching between the Middle School and High School classes each quarter.
Recruit teachers to teach the other class or to fill in when needed.
Teach the combined youth class on Wednesday night, or as needed, recruit another teacher.
Partner with parents to be a resource as they seek to raise Godly children.
Be a link between the generations
Keep up with current youth culture and events
Provide books, articles, or other resources to parents on various issues that may arise in their family.
Counsel with parents and youth in crisis and transitions
Study with students making faith decisions
Take advantage of continuing education opportunities through conferences, workshops, or other means throughout the year.